


中止 第二弾!蔵人になれるまちSAKU 蔵人体験&酒蔵めぐりバスツアー


その結果、3月21-22日、に予定しておりましたツアーは、−中止− と判断いたしました。
代表取締役 田澤 麻里香

About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

With new Coronavirus infectious disease outbreak, it has been decided that the tour scheduled for March 21-22 determined to be canceled. This was the result of first consideration of the customer’s safety and social situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this cancellation may cause.
The tour in March has been canceled, but the tour in April will be provide make more satisfying tours.
Also we will take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of the infection, such as wearing a disposable face mask and alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
But any chance, in case the influence of the corona virus does not converge there is also a case we are consider the April tours also canceled.
The decision will be made by the end of March, depending on the situation.
We would appreciate your understanding.
In April, we are looking forward to seeing customers with the cherry blossoms in full bloom in Saku.
Marika Tazawa


KURABITO STAYは、第二弾!蔵人になれるまちSAKU 蔵人体験&酒蔵めぐりバスツアー(1泊2日)参加者を募集しています!
KURABITO STAY Presents: An Overnight Bus Tour (2 Days, 1 Night) Where You Can Experience Sake Brewing and Visit Saku’s Breweries!




Visit the city of Saku in Nagano, where you can become a sake brewer.
Blessed with abundant water and natural resources, Saku has been a center of sake production for over three centuries, and thirteen breweries continue to produce sake here to this day.
Just 90 minutes from Tokyo by Shinkansen bullet train and with multiple highway buses available as well, Saku is easily accessible. For those who want to visit Saku’s breweries but are concerned about having to drive (certain breweries are not accessible by train), Kurabito Stay is proud to offer a 2-day, 1-night overnight bus tour that includes visits to multiple breweries as well as a hands-on sake brewing experience!




Through this tour, you’ll be able to visit even breweries that typically do not open their doors to the public, and see the normally off-limits areas where brewers use time-honored techniques to produce sublime sake. At Kitsukura Shuzo Co.LTD, a brewery with a 320-year history, you’ll have the chance to become a sake brewer and experience the brewing process for yourself. (Accommodations will be provided at the Saku Hotel, a traditional Japanese-style inn near Sakudaira station.) As part of the tour, you’ll enjoy meals prepared to pair wonderfully with Saku’s delicious brews of sake. The specific breweries you visit will vary by the tour schedule.



Participants are welcome to come alone, or together with a spouse or friends. Brewing sake together is sure to help you forge new bonds with those around you. We look forward to welcoming you to Saku!


第二弾!蔵人になれるまちSAKU 蔵人体験&酒蔵めぐりバスツアー

2020年3月21日(土)-22日(日) 平賀・中込コース ※新型コロナウィルス感染拡大防止の観点から中止させていただきます。
2020年4月11日(土)-12日(日) 野沢・小諸コース ※新型コロナウィルス感染拡大防止の観点から中止させていただきます。


Tour Schedule (choose from three schedules, each covering a different area)
・Saturday, March 21 to Tuesday, March 22: Hiraka/Nakagomi Course (※The tour will be canceled to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection.)
・Saturday, April 11 to Sunday, April 12: Nozawa/Komoro Course (fully booked ※you request to be put on a waiting list.)
Maximum 8 participants per tour.
*We apologize, but we are unable to accept accommodate minors.
*The page will be update to reflect remaining seat availability. If a tour is full, you may request to be put on a waiting list.




Meals Provided
*featuring sake from Kitsukura sake brewery: Daiginjyo, Jyunmai-Daiginjyo, Jyunmai-Ginjyo, Jyunmai, Barereled sake, Sparkling-sake, Secret-sake
DAY2:Breakfast, lunch(lunch box)


※海外にお住いの外国人のお客様は、当日、体験酒と同じ銘柄のお酒を1本(720ml ×1本)お渡しします。


All participants will receive the following
– Full access to all photographs taken by staff
– A certificate from the brewer recognizing you for completing sake brewing experience・
– One bottle of sake (720 ml) with an original label will presented to you on the day of the tour. Another bottle (720 ml) of the sake you helped brew will be shipped to your home later.(*Guests visiting from abroad will receive one bottle of sake of the same variety as the one you helped brew on the day of the tour.)


佐久ホテル 宿泊 @45,000円(税別)
蔵人体験実習費、体験の際に使用する手ぬぐい・白長靴のレンタル代、日本酒講座受講費(テキスト代を含む)、ツアー中の試飲代(3蔵)、1日目夕食代(橘倉酒造のお酒を含む飲食費)、宿泊費(1泊)、2日目朝食代、2日目昼食代(お弁当)、体験参加記念品(日本酒 720ml)、体験酒(日本酒 720ml)、蔵人体験修了証、バス移動費用、旅行保険料
宿泊先をご自身で手配される場合 @40,000円(税別)


(For guests staying at the Saku Hotel): 45,000 yen (plus tax)
*This fee includes:
Hands-on sake brewing experience, rental fee of handcloth and white boots used during the brewing process, sake lesson, tasting at three sake breweries, dinner on the first night (featuring sake from Kitsukura Sake Brewery, one night’s accommodations at the Saku Hotel, breakfast on the second day, lunch on the second day (Lunch Box), a souvenir bottle of sake (720 ml), a second bottle of the sake you helped to brew (720 ml), certificate of completion, transportation by bus, and travel insurance.
The fee for guests who will be providing their own accommodation is 40,000 yen (plus tax).


橘倉酒造 集合12:45(日本酒概論レクチャー・きき酒講座・蔵見学・洗米等の蔵作業/13:00〜17:00)—(ホテル送迎バス)—佐久ホテル(夕食、宿泊)
※集合場所の橘倉酒造まではご自身でお越しください。(交通費はお客様にてご負担ください。)アクセスについては、KURABITO STAYウェブサイトにも詳細を記載していますのでご参照ください。


Day 1 (same schedule for all tour dates)
(12:45 p.m.) Meet at Kitsukura Shuzo Co.LTD
(1 p.m. to 5 p.m.) Sake lecture, tasting class, brewery tour, hands-on work at the brewery (washing rice, etc.)
(After 5 p.m.) Travel to the Saku Hotel by bus and enjoy dinner and a night’s sleep.
*Guests are responsible for their own transportation to Kitsukura Sake Brewing (transportation to Saku is not included in the tour price). For directions, please visit the Kurabito Stay website.
*Guests who will be providing their own accommodations may travel to their lodgings after dinner by public transportation, taxi, or their hotel’s transportation (please contact your hotel ahead of time to see what services are available). Please arrive at the Saku Hotel by 7:30 a.m. on the second day.
*Dinner at the Saku Hotel on the first night will feature some varieties of Kitsukura’s sake (non-alcoholic beverages will also be available.)


佐久ホテル 7:30 出発 —(ホテル送迎バス)—
橘倉酒造 集合 8:00(お祓いの儀式、蔵人体験/8:00〜11:45、昼食・お弁当/12:00〜13:00)—(貸切バス)—芙蓉酒造(蔵見学、試飲/13:30〜14:45) —(貸切バス)—土屋酒造(蔵見学、試飲/15:00〜16:45)—(貸切バス)— 佐久平駅(17:10着 解散)


Day 2: Hiraka/Nakagomi Course (Tuesday, February 11)
(7:30 a.m.) Depart the Saku Hotel by shuttle bus
(8:00 a.m.) Arrive at Kitsukura Sake Brewery
(8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.) Purification ritual, sake brewer experience
Board charter bus.
(12:00 p.m. to 13:00 p.m.) Lunch at Kitsukura Sake Brewery(Lunch BOX)
Board charter bus.
(13:15 p.m. to 14:45 p.m.) Tour and tasting at Fuyou Shuzo brewery
Board charter bus.
(15:00 p.m. to 16:30 p.m.) Tour and tasting at Tsuchiya Shuzo brewery
Board charter bus.
(17:00 p.m.) Arrive at Sakudaira Station. Tour ends.


佐久ホテル 7:30 出発 —(ホテル送迎バス)—
橘倉酒造 集合 8:00(お祓いの儀式、蔵人体験/8:00〜11:45、昼食・お弁当/12:00〜13:00)—(貸切バス)—
伴野酒造(蔵見学、試飲/13:20〜14:50)—(貸切バス)—大塚酒造(蔵見学、試飲/15:15〜16:45)—(徒歩)—小諸駅(17:00着 解散)


Day 2: Nozawa/komoro Course (Sunday, February 16)
(7:30 a.m.) Depart the Saku Hotel by shuttle bus
(8:00 a.m.) Arrive at Kitsukura Sake Brewery
(8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.) Purification ritual, sake brewer experience
(12:00 p.m. to 13:00 p.m.) Lunch at Kitsukura Sake Brewery(Lunch BOX)
Board charter bus.
(13:20 p.m. to 14:50 p.m.) Tour and tasting at Tomono Shuzo Brewery
Board charter bus.
(15:15 p.m. to 16:45 p.m.) Tour and tasting at Otsuka Shuzo Brewery
Walk to Komoro Station, tour ends at 17:00 p.m.


旅行企画・実施 株式会社KURABITO STAY(長野県佐久市臼田623-2)
長野県知事登録旅行業第地域 – 622号
問い合わせ先 TEL:090-9354-8328(田澤


Planning and Organization  KURABITO STAY, Inc.(623-2 Usuda, Saku City, Nagano)
Travel Agency Registered with the Office of the Governor of Nagano Prefecture – #622
Inquiries are welcome by phone at 090-9354-8328, or via email at info@kurabitostay.com.